
As a key player in the global FPSO industry, Yinson was thrilled to participate in FPSO World Congress 2018. 

Themed ‘Driving output productivity and FPSO project profitability’, the congress saw professionals from the FPSO industry all around the world gathering to  discuss the overall life cycle of an FPSO, and examine ways to increase productivity and innovate ways of reducing costs. The event took place from 4 to 5th September 2018 at Marina Bay Sands Singapore.

Yinson Production CEO Eirik Barclay joined the Industry Power Panel on the first day of the congress, alongside FPSO heavyweights such as Richard Ella from SBM, Jeffery Sim from Rubicon Offshore, Uzoma Correia from Total and David Hartell from Premier Oil. The Panel, chaired by Sid Sircar from PT Suasa Benua Sukses, had a vibrant discussion on Preserving the Downturn’s Upside.

Later that afternoon, Yinson Production Project Manager Filipe Costa took the stage and shared his experience with the crowd on the topic of ‘Achieving cost reductions through a supplier-led supply chain solution’. The topic was part of the stream discussing FPSO financing, contracting and pre-feed preparations.  

Around 20 Yinson employees from our centres of excellence in Oslo, Singapore and Malaysia participated as delegates.