
Yinson through its offshore production business unit, Yinson Production (“YP”) has acquired 100% of the issued capital of London Marine Group Limited (LMG), the sole owner of London Marine Consultants (“LMC”). 

LMC, one of the few companies to have designed and provided production turret mooring and swivel systems , was appointed to work on the mooring system and turret mooring, respectively for FPSO (“Floating Production Storage and Offloading”) Atlanta and FPSO Helang. Additionally, they have provided engineering services related to mooring and risers for our spread moored unit, FPSO Anna Nery.

Established in 1990, LMC ranks among the top five global providers in the  design and provision of turret mooring systems for offshore production vessels such as FPSOs, FSRUs (“Floating Storage and Regasification Unit”), FLNGs (“Floating Liquefied Natural Gas”) and FSOs (“Floating Storage and Offloading” More recently, this expertise has been used to provide similar expertise to the Floating Wind, Tidal and Wave Energy Sectors.

As a result of the extensive experience and expertise developed in the mooring industry, LMC can also offer its clients wide-ranging engineering consultancy services. 

Chief Executive Officer of YP Flemming Grønnegaard commented on the acquisition, “LMC brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise that will greatly benefit our offshore production business unit. Having them onboard will enhance our in-house mooring and swivel capabilities and reinforce our leadership in the FPSO industry.”

Managing Director of LMC Jon Dunstan commented: “The acquisition marks a new beginning for LMC, allowing us to expand our operations and services, and solidify our market presence. We look forward to contributing our industry knowledge while continuing to provide high-quality services to our current and future customers.”